Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Two new life goals in one day

I'm kind of big on planning. I like to hammer out plans and get specifics decided at least a couple hours before I do anything. Spontaneity can be super fun when things are completely spur of the moment, but I don't enjoy sitting around waiting for things to happen. Thus, it makes sense that I have a list of life goals I'd like to complete. Today, I added two more. Here is the updated list of:

  • Graduate with a BA from a good college
  • Work at a magazine/newspaper/in journalism
  • Write a book
  • Write a play
  • Enjoy a modicum of success (not necessarily monetarily)
  • Visit every single country in Europe
  • Learn another language
  • Be interviewed by James Lipton from Inside the Actor's Studio
  • Become a jazz singer in a piano bar
  • Write a best selling fantasy fictions series and then turn it into a movie deal.
So, there we are. Not all life goals are realistic, and all are subject to shifts in priority. For example, if the zombie apocalypse rains down upon us all, then all life goals shift to just one:
  • Keep being alive.

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