Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My brain flexes in defense as a man would flex his muscles
Protective, cautionary- imagination is my strongest asset
Fistfight of words, sting lightly as purple bruises on my pride
I cannot connect or make an intersect of my visage in your mind
The haunted, brooding monster or accomplished, convivial heroine?
My reflection in the glassy glare of your irises is muddled and dull
A burden be the day before, a fruitful joy of wit and cleverness the next
Hard to hang your hat on having you around, when even an identity
Is questioned? Trust cannot be forced onto quaking tectonics.
Freshness, newness has the draw of the unfamiliar, and those of whom
You have grown tired, you have grown out of? Disparity, dichotomy
Between the heart's proclamations and mouth's recitations, how do
I separate the amalgam of communication?
Without a translator, the message is confined to one mind
And I find that I lose ground every day that I fear will be resolute.
Permanently orphaned in solidarity and sublime obligation.

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