Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy longest-I've-ever-been-in-a-relationship-iversary

There's something in the way
I wake up to the planes of your face
that makes me tingle with the thought
of the closeness of us. Intimate, passionate
kindness and genteel. A draped arm, held
hand, tender kisses on my shoulder.

There's something in the way
your eyes rest on mine, with your mouth a
damned smirk of smartassery, that bears
the burden for just a little while. Taking
care, taking interest, taking me as I am
for all the right reasons.

There's something in the way
I get to call you darling that shocks me
with pride at the accomplishment of
building lovely months with you. The
knowing of you and the sharing of me
and the blossom of newness that is fresh
and long-awaited as the birth of spring.

There's something in the way
we are that fills me to bursting at the
thought of what we could be or what we
will be or what we won't be. A brightness to
the coming days, more filled with you and us
than I dared wished for. The future is
a happy place to look.

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